Monday, November 19, 2012


One of my favorite things about Teachers Pay Teachers is the number of free lessons and activities right at my fingertips.  I have started posting some of my favorites in the teachers rooms at my school.  I wanted to share with my co-workers and maybe inspire them to check out Teacher Pay Teachers.  This week I have posted these four awesome items:

 “Hunger Games” Would You Rather? ~Rachel Lynette on TpT

 Story Telling – Cootie Catcher ~ A Teacher's Treasure on TpT

Minute To Win It ~ Reagan Tunstall



  1. Awesome freebies! I've used Regan's Minute to Win It games before and the kids love them!! I know all bloggers really appreciate when people highlight their freebies but I'd recommend adding a credit by name or blog next to each one so people know who made them. I wouldn't want someone getting upset with you over it when I know all you're trying to do is share their awesomeness with your readers :)

    ❤ -Stephanie
    Falling Into First

  2. Thank you for the feedback, I added their names. I guess I didn't think about it much because I was linking directly to their store. I am thrilled to be connecting with so many great teachers.

  3. Love the freebie suggestions! I am new to blogging and a follower :) I recently got nominated for the Liebster Award and have decided to nominate you too! WOOHOO!

    Check out my blog for all the details.

    Keep smiling,
    from Well, Michelle?

  4. Wow Thank you SOOO much Michelle! I am loving this new avenue to meet people and share my experiences.
